Field work

We spent four hours out in the pasture today, moving sheep from one field to another to graze on fresh grass. About once a month, their nails need to be clipped, and it was also time for castration, so we did it all in one trip. We had a hard time getting them into the pen – three human herders and one Gator truck was no match for a spooked herd. They kept splitting and fleeing in a pasture about the size of a football field. I think we’ll try doing cats next…

We left the phone in the car, so ran to grab it for a quick photo. This was the last ram we did, and he was tough to grab out of the pen because he kept trying to escape by leaping and bashing his face and body into the fence – they’re herd animals, so when one is alone, they really freak out. So he has a bloody nose here, and looks positively tortured.

All we wanted to do was show you all how cute their afro balls are…


One response to “Field work

  1. Karen Olson

    Great hardy work. What a great experience.

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