
C just brought me a flower after work saying, “I picked this for you.” So sweet, I reached for it and he added, “eat it.” It’s a nasturtium, so perfectly edible, but a surprising gesture nonetheless. He knows I like flowers and eating, so maybe this is the perfect treat for me. Maybe next time … Continue reading

Just because we never camp…

Doesn’t mean we don’t know how.

Remotely controlled

Morning joe

Day…4?… Koh Pangnan

We discovered Koh Ma beach today, just one dip north from our beach, and have decided to stay two more nights. No photos exist because we forgot all the possible cameras when we went there to snorkel today. I am not a water baby, and have only snorkeled a handful of times, but this was the best ever. I immediately made the rounds of the hotels on the beach. I can’t wait to share it all with you.

People watching


We watched a different sunset tonight – all the islanders coming into town for the Saturday night market. There aren’t many specific traffic rules that we could see, just an overlying tenet to ‘not be mean’. We’ve seen no accidents or road rage. Remarkable, really.

Taking it to go

The Thai do a lot of take out business from their food stalls, but we haven’t seen one plastic or styrofoam container yet. They use baggies. For everything. If you order a noodle soup, you get noodles in one bag, broth in another, and a third and fourth baggie with the spices and liquids you … Continue reading

Half point weekend: Koh Phi Phi

This weekend we had quite a few adventures. Saturday morning we moved from Relax Resort to Power Beach Resort. Both are on the same beach, so we did it barefoot in bathing suits. Then we spent the morning on the beach – the water here is so perfect. At 2pm, we decided to hike into … Continue reading