Time Warp

Wow, does time fly!

Lukas Charles Olson was born a strong 8lbs on Halloween.

We’ve spent the four weeks since getting to know him and catering to his every need and satisfying his every desire. He’s the most demanding house guest we’ve ever had. Especially when you consider what he’s eating.

The nursery is very comfortable for us and him. He spent the last two nights sleeping in his bassinet in his crib. He seems to like it, we’re all sleeping better.

Lukas is awake for several hours a day now. He spends a handful of them fussing. It’s usually from around 6-11pm, so that’s a challenge when we’re all tired. But then he sleeps for 4 hours at a time after, so maybe he’s just a night owl like his dad.

His eyes show hints of blues and grays and browns. It’s never been so hard to describe a color. I’m excited to see what color they become. I’m pretty excited for it all, actually. Yes, it’s hard and frustrating and tiring, but it’s also fun. He’s like a little project that you have to struggle to figure out at first, and then once you’ve worked on it a while, you start to recognize the rewards. He’s smiling a little – mostly gas, we’re told – and it can feel like a beacon on hope on a weary day.

We adore him.





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